THE BETTER HALF: Saskatchewan led 29 0 at halftime. Until Sunday, the Roughriders had not scored 29 or more points in a half since the aforementioned 2014 game against Ottawa, which trailed 32 7 at nfl jerseys cheap intermission. More impressively, Saskatchewan enjoyed a halftime lead of 29 plus points for the first time since Aug. 26, 2006, when the Roughriders were ahead 34 3 after 30 minutes in Hamilton. The Roughriders ended up winning 51 8 on the strength of three TD passes by Rocky Butler. epaper, Digital Access, Subscriber Rewards), please input your Print Newspaper subscription phone number and postal code.
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Of the other two parties share anything in common with us, she said. just working hard to make sure British Columbian know what I stand for, what I believe in and the choice, the really, really stark choice in this election. received an angry reception from some people as she toured the streets of Sidney.
Claude, the 21 year old alligator, is a popular sight at his home inside the California Academy of Sciences. He’s also quite visibly notable, in case you didn’t realize; in addition to his curious appearance of being completely white due to albinism, the Florida born gator is missing a toe because of one too many brawls he got into with a female alligator who temporarily lived with him. He may not have a popular Instagram account, but Claude is so beloved, the museum threw him a birthday party for his 21st in September.
We have a lot of sex. In human culture, sex is so much more than a means of reproduction. Sex is emotional. Sex is communicative. Sex is fun. And when it comes down to it, for most of us, sex just feels good. We have sex for pleasure significantly more often than we have sex for reproductive purposes. Is this one of those things that makes us uniquely human?